Frances, K. (2024) Understanding Barriers to Heterosexual Attraction and Romantic Interest. Publication efforts in process.
Frances, K. (2024) Lust Triggers: A Culturally-Sensitive Conceptualization for Unwanted Same-Sex Compulsions in Orthodox Jewish Men. Publication efforts in process.
Frances, K. (2018). The Tightrope of Desire: A Qualitative Study of Sexual Conflict in Single Heterosexual Orthodox Jewish Men . Psychoanalytic Psychology. Vol. 35, No. 1, 31–37.
Frances, K., December 2017. The Sounds of Silence: A clinical and research based presentation of sexual repression in secular culture, religious society and individual psyche. Nefesh International Annual Conference, Long Island, New York.
Frances, K. (Guest Psychologist) (2017, May 4) The Joy of Text: The Tznius Episode (Audio Podcast) Retrieved from:
Frances, K., November, 2011. “Returning to an old paradigm: Sexual conflict in contemporary society and personality.” Paper Presentation, International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Twenty-Second Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Fort Lauderdale.
Frances, K., October 2010. “Teaching in the trenches: Psychoanalysis in undergraduate psychology”. Paper Presentation, International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Twenty-First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
Frances, K., Rosenfeld, J. (2007) “Excerpts from Interviews with Orthodox Singles”, Chapter in, The Orthodox Forum Series: Gender Relationships in Marriage and Out. Yeshiva University Press, New York.
Frances, K., Rosenfeld, J., April 2005. “Sanctity, Sanity and Intimacy: Orthodox Singles – Conflict and Commitment”. Paper Presentation. The Orthodox Forum; 17th Conference, Yeshiva University, New York, NY
Krakowski, M., Benedict, M., Frances, K., Andrade E., Goldfeder, G. (2000), “Community and inpatient violence in major psychiatric disorders; relationship to clinical and historic variables”. Poster Presentation at Thirteenth Annual New York State Office of Mental Health Research Conference Program.